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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty Cloda's YouTube videos

Message par Cloda Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:32

J'ai changé mon identifiant Xbox en PinStratsDan et je poste maintenant plus régulièrement des vidéos de stratégie (avec commentaire) sur ma page YouTube PinStratsDan. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez. Malheureusement, c'est en anglais avec mon accent afrikaans :p

I changed my Xbox ID to PinStratsDan and am now more regularly posting strategy videos (with commentary) on my PinStratsDan YouTube page.  Let me know what you guys think. Unfortunately it is in English with my Afrikaans accent :p
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Message par Cloda Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:46

in this video I play through and comment on my top 10 strategy for White Water (Classic Arcade)...

Dernière édition par Cloda le Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:50, édité 1 fois
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Message par Cloda Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:48

Here I play through and comment on my top 10 strategy for Hurricane (Classic Arcade)

Dernière édition par Cloda le Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:51, édité 1 fois
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Message par Cloda Dim 18 Aoû 2019 - 12:49

Fantastic Four has always been one of my favourite tables and here is play through and comment on my strategy to safely play through the beat Galactus wizard mode.

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Message par wims Mar 20 Aoû 2019 - 0:20

Hi Cloda, that's a great post!
For the moment i'm in holydays, i got no time to watch all these videos as I want, but i will contact you when i'll be back.
I just saw some moments, i'm interested and i'm looking for stuff like that, it could be integrated in the lups club chanel, if you're interested too.

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Message par Cloda Mar 20 Aoû 2019 - 0:57

wims a écrit:Hi Cloda, that's a great post!
For the moment i'm in holydays, i got no time to watch all these videos as I want, but i will contact you when i'll be back.
I just saw some moments, i'm interested and i'm looking for stuff like that, it could be integrated in the lups club chanel, if you're interested too.

Thanks Wims. Looking forward to your feedback Very Happy . I'm happy to see if we can integrate it with the channel, just don't know how we are going to deal with me not being able to speak French at all!
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Message par Cloda Mar 20 Aoû 2019 - 0:58

I had a good game on Red and Ted's Road Show (Classic Arcade) and in this video I give voice-over commentary explaining my top five strategy. I played through Super Payday and ended with a much bigger score than what I expected to get (3.526 billion).

After this game, I see the potential to score even better on this table. I think the key to scoring big is the bonus multipliers, the end of ball bonus and collecting as many souvenirs as you can. I'll play it again but for now I'll give it a rest so I have something reasonable to aim for next time.

Let me know in the comments if you would like me to tackle a specific table and I'll appreciate any feedback on how I can improve.
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Message par The Goldwheelchair Mer 21 Aoû 2019 - 3:32

Great job Cloda, I will take a look too to yours videos and channel.
The Goldwheelchair
The Goldwheelchair
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Message par Cloda Mer 21 Aoû 2019 - 12:29

The Goldwheelchair a écrit:Great job Cloda, I will take a look too to yours videos and channel.

Thanks. Let me know what you think about it. I always look to improve.
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Message par Cloda Mer 21 Aoû 2019 - 12:31

I was playing Theatre of Magic and only figuring out along the way what I needed to do; I reached the Grand Finale for the table achievement.  This shows a lot of promise for putting up a great score on the table, but I'm in two minds as to if I want to play it now or wait a bit.  I've reserved myself from playing the tables from the first three Volumes on my Xbox One as I'm waiting for Zen to implement the Volume 4 flipper physics.    

One slightly puzzling thing that I noticed is that performing most of the flipper tricks felt much more consistent compared to with the Volume 4 physics.

Here are examples of the different flipper tricks pulled off in the game:

Post pass - 1m22
Drop catch - 4m11
Live catch - 5m43

Tip passes are easier to do on volume 4 physics.

Apart from that, I still prefer the Volume 4 flipper physics as feeling more real and appreciate i.e. the give of the flipper and the more realistic ball bounce off the flippers.    

How do you guys feel about it and is it something you have noticed as well?
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Message par The Goldwheelchair Jeu 22 Aoû 2019 - 1:57

I don't know if it's me but I think sound is too low, isn't it ?
The Goldwheelchair
The Goldwheelchair
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Message par Cloda Jeu 22 Aoû 2019 - 10:17

Thanks for letting me know. White Water was my first one and it is definitely too soft. Fantastic Four I improved the quality and then from Hurricane and Roadshow I think I got it right. Please let me know if they are too soft as well. It is a pity I can't increase the volume in Youtube editor to quickly fix it.
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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty White Water (Single Player): Vacation Jackpot!

Message par Cloda Dim 25 Aoû 2019 - 11:11

This time around I achieved Vacation Jackpot in Single Player and found it unexpectedly challenging compared to Classic Arcade.  I added my voice over commentary to run you through the approach I took to get there and how I had to play differently to compensate for the differences.

I start the video showing the two major differences I had to overcome to be able to put a good game in on Single Player.

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Message par Cloda Mar 27 Aoû 2019 - 17:19

I'm still finding my feet on the table and can see a good game coming on the horizon. In this game, I got to Outer Space and defeated Crazy Bob for the table achievement.

I can see from the scores that this was one of the first Williams tables released and it will require a lot more work from me to break into the top 10. Once (if!) I do, I'll upload the video and give a commentary on the approach I took. But... here's a little glimpse of my approach - all you need to do well on this table is pinpoint accuracy as the modes are straightforward.
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Message par Cloda Lun 2 Sep 2019 - 16:52

I just sneaked into the Classic Arcade top 10 with this game on Junk Yard. The strategy I used works great to set you up for defeating Crazy Bob and reaching a high score once you put a good game together.

Thank you to the Pinball FX3 Discord channel members for the great discussion that helped me plan the strategy. It really works well, the only things missing for a much bigger score is my lack of precision and my unwillingness to spam the Save the Girl video mode.
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Message par Cloda Lun 9 Sep 2019 - 17:43

In this game where I got the 500 million bonus for the Grand Finale and made 6.3 Billion for a Top 5 score on Classic Arcade, I give commentary on the clear and successful strategy I followed.

I based my strategy on the PAPA tutorial for the table, but had to adapt it as the FX3 table on Classic Arcade plays differently in certain ways. This table rewards patience and sticking to your strategy and each time I do well, I feel like I'm just one step away from getting a much bigger score. A hugely fun table and I can't wait to play it again when Zen implements their Volume 4 flipper physics on it.

#pinballfx #PinStratsDan #pinball #williamspinball #zen_studios
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Message par wims Mar 10 Sep 2019 - 11:09

Thanks Cloda, I'll take a look !

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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty Medieval Madness: The King of all Kingdoms... sort of

Message par Cloda Mer 18 Sep 2019 - 0:25

I must admit, this table has been kicking my butt for the last couple of days.  Anyway, there is hope especially as I could get the achievement.  

Yet again, Zen Studios was way too kind with the achievement in that you don’t have to beat the wizard mode but only start it… you aren’t actually the King of all Kingdoms because you haven’t beaten the King of Payne yet ;).  I was only a shot or two away from doing so but alas, that has to wait for another game.  Hopefully, I can put a top 10 game together rather sooner than later... wish me luck!

This game was the first game where I kinda feel like I was more in control and if I can say so myself, my multiball play was topnotch.  I’m still loosing too many balls that I should be able to save easily and my aim for the castle is horrible but I'll keep plugging away.

Fact of the matter is that this table is just brilliant.  It keeps me engaged the whole time even though there is not a heck of a lot happening compared to many other tables.  You also need to have reactions like a cat because the ball literally zips around and the ricochets are not kind.
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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty It's Happy Hour! Big Bangs for everyone! Bally The Party Zone Tips & Strategy Guide

Message par Cloda Mer 23 Oct 2019 - 12:02

In this game on Bally The Party Zone in Pinball FX3 on Classic Arcade (with some comparison with Classic Single Player), I explain how to play safer while aiming to maximise your scoring potential. 

I ended up the enjoying the table a lot more than I initially thought I would and that is mostly to do with the table providing you with relatively basic but hard to master scoring opportunities.  It keeps on inviting you back for just one more go as you try to put the perfect game together to maximise your scoring opportunities. 

I haven't put together the perfect game yet, but I'm happy for now, and will try again.  We know that Zen Studios will probably update the flipper physics and reduce the nudging strength in Classic Arcade which will give me good incentive to play it again.
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Message par Rolero Ven 25 Oct 2019 - 20:40

Nice vidéos ;) Good job ^^
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Message par wims Ven 25 Oct 2019 - 23:25

Les amis SVP, n'oubliez pas de liker toutes les vidéos de Cloda sur Youtube (même si vous ne comprenez rien LOL)
C'est un travail de fou, je sais de quoi je parle, et ça peut faire du bien et motiver celui qui est derrière.

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Message par The Goldwheelchair Sam 26 Oct 2019 - 1:35

Cloda vidéos all liked by me...
The Goldwheelchair
The Goldwheelchair
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Message par Cloda Sam 26 Oct 2019 - 8:56

Thanks you! Can't wait for the "Babel Fish" universal translator ;-)
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Message par FunkySon Sam 26 Oct 2019 - 11:00

It's more on facebook that I follow you.
Great job !

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Message par flopy Mer 30 Oct 2019 - 17:09

Very Happy OK !
Bébé LUPien
Bébé LUPien

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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty Beastlike rocking with the monsters! Williams Monster Bash

Message par Cloda Jeu 31 Oct 2019 - 11:14

I'm happy that I got the Monsters of Rock Achievement on Williams Monster Bash in Classic Arcade.  Rather than sharing that game, I'll share a section of a game where the strategy I'm working on (see below) came together nicely until the first Monster's of Rock (the requirement for the achievement) where I had a good multiball.  Unfortunately, my game fell apart after that but I'm optimistic that I'll soon have a game where everything click.

I had an excellent first ball (the rest of the game fizzled out) where I made it all the way to Monsters of Rock.  I had to finish Wolfman after the Frankenstein multiball and I had the Mummy and Dracula left.  It worked out great though in that as I started the Mummy in the scoop, I shortly after also started Dracula which also started Monsters Bash which then turned into Monster's of Rock as I completed their instruments!

Here is what I've been doing so far for Classic Arcade, based on watching the PAPA tutorial, reading the in-game guide, and playing around.  I never played the real table, or TPA so I'm sure there are some obvious things I'm missing.

- Get the skillshot! I rarely play with the enhanced graphics on in Classic Arcade, but on this table Zen did a nice job, it is unobtrusive, and it gives you one huge advantage because it lights up the lit rollover lanes that is essential to get the skillshot right. If you get the skillshot, you get points (which increases with each successful skillshot) but importantly you get a Monster bomb! You can use it during a Monster hurry-up to advance a shot. Each monster has its own monster bomb which makes it trickier. You also get monster bombs from mosh pit shots, and as random awards from the scoop.

- Key to remember is that during any multiball, the timers for the Monster hurry-up’s don’t run. Try to get a few Monster’s close to starting, and then start as many as you can in quick succession, before you start either the Frankenstein multi-ball hurry-up, or the Mosh pit multi-ball. I messed it up, but I already got it right once to have all but the Mummy hurry-up’s going. The Mummy one is difficult to start along with the rest as you’ll likely start the Wolfman’s hurry-up before you get enough bumper hits.

- My order that I try to line up the different Monster hurry-ups is; start by focussing on Creature from the Black Lagoon (remember backhand is possible), then the Bride of Frankenstein as I find the ramp shots difficult, and as soon as you have one side three shots down, start with the Wolfman on that side, while still focussing on the rest of the shots required on the other side. In between also get a few shots down on Frankenstein and Dracula. As soon as you start one of the hurry-ups, start the other ones that you have close to starting as quickly as possible, and lastly get the Frankenstein multiball hurry-up going.

- After that, you assess where you are at and see what you need to complete to get to Monsters of Rock.  

That is my strategy so far… let’s see how it develops and please let me know what you guys think and I’ll add to it.
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Cloda's YouTube videos Empty Magnifique !!

Message par flopy Jeu 31 Oct 2019 - 11:54

Cloda a écrit:In this game on Bally The Party Zone in Pinball FX3 on Classic Arcade (with some comparison with Classic Single Player), I explain how to play safer while aiming to maximise your scoring potential. 

I ended up the enjoying the table a lot more than I initially thought I would and that is mostly to do with the table providing you with relatively basic but hard to master scoring opportunities.  It keeps on inviting you back for just one more go as you try to put the perfect game together to maximise your scoring opportunities. 

I haven't put together the perfect game yet, but I'm happy for now, and will try again.  We know that Zen Studios will probably update the flipper physics and reduce the nudging strength in Classic Arcade which will give me good incentive to play it again.
Bravo a toi Cloda et Merçi pour nos Yeux Top! Oh!
Bébé LUPien
Bébé LUPien

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Message par Veuve Pinsec Jeu 31 Oct 2019 - 12:35

Cloda a écrit:I'm happy that I got the Monsters of Rock Achievement on Williams Monster Bash in Classic Arcade.  Rather than sharing that game, I'll share a section of a game where the strategy I'm working on (see below) came together nicely until the first Monster's of Rock (the requirement for the achievement) where I had a good multiball.  Unfortunately, my game fell apart after that but I'm optimistic that I'll soon have a game where everything click.

I had an excellent first ball (the rest of the game fizzled out) where I made it all the way to Monsters of Rock.  I had to finish Wolfman after the Frankenstein multiball and I had the Mummy and Dracula left.  It worked out great though in that as I started the Mummy in the scoop, I shortly after also started Dracula which also started Monsters Bash which then turned into Monster's of Rock as I completed their instruments!

Here is what I've been doing so far for Classic Arcade, based on watching the PAPA tutorial, reading the in-game guide, and playing around.  I never played the real table, or TPA so I'm sure there are some obvious things I'm missing.

- Get the skillshot! I rarely play with the enhanced graphics on in Classic Arcade, but on this table Zen did a nice job, it is unobtrusive, and it gives you one huge advantage because it lights up the lit rollover lanes that is essential to get the skillshot right. If you get the skillshot, you get points (which increases with each successful skillshot) but importantly you get a Monster bomb! You can use it during a Monster hurry-up to advance a shot. Each monster has its own monster bomb which makes it trickier. You also get monster bombs from mosh pit shots, and as random awards from the scoop.

- Key to remember is that during any multiball, the timers for the Monster hurry-up’s don’t run. Try to get a few Monster’s close to starting, and then start as many as you can in quick succession, before you start either the Frankenstein multi-ball hurry-up, or the Mosh pit multi-ball. I messed it up, but I already got it right once to have all but the Mummy hurry-up’s going. The Mummy one is difficult to start along with the rest as you’ll likely start the Wolfman’s hurry-up before you get enough bumper hits.

- My order that I try to line up the different Monster hurry-ups is; start by focussing on Creature from the Black Lagoon (remember backhand is possible), then the Bride of Frankenstein as I find the ramp shots difficult, and as soon as you have one side three shots down, start with the Wolfman on that side, while still focussing on the rest of the shots required on the other side. In between also get a few shots down on Frankenstein and Dracula. As soon as you start one of the hurry-ups, start the other ones that you have close to starting as quickly as possible, and lastly get the Frankenstein multiball hurry-up going.

- After that, you assess where you are at and see what you need to complete to get to Monsters of Rock.  

That is my strategy so far… let’s see how it develops and please let me know what you guys think and I’ll add to it.

(google translate)
I very much appreciate this way of starting a game in a rational way, with a game plan already defined, which requires calm and precision  Top! . Even if I try to do it too, often it goes quickly spin.

I think the general idea is to start the most monsters before launching a multiball, now, is there an ideal order? I think we just have to try to keep a balanced progression on all the monsters which is not necessarily obvious (we aim for the right orbit for Wolfman but finally the ball hits a target of dracula then bounces on Frankeintein or so we pull in the ramp etc ..) and adapt to the current situation.
For cons, on a single game, I will first ensure the first extrabile for security by lighting 3 monsters quickly even if it is not optimum.
Veuve Pinsec
Veuve Pinsec
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Message par Cloda Jeu 31 Oct 2019 - 14:06

Google Translate

Je redémarre beaucoup ;-). Mais une fois que j'ai bien compris, c'est comme dans cette vidéo ... votre jeu est soudain bien parti! Il s’agit d’une approche unique en son genre, qui consiste à accumuler une aussi longue durée, avec un risque élevé d’obtenir de grandes récompenses, avant que l’action réelle ne commence. Je suis sûr que je vais avoir beaucoup de jeux échoués avant d’espérer avoir un jeu où tout va bien.

Je verrai après les premiers Monsters of Rock, si je fais de même pour le second, car il devient beaucoup plus difficile de préparer Frankenstein. Vous obtenez une balle supplémentaire pour trois monstres à chaque fois que vous jouez à travers Monsters of Rock. Il pourrait donc être intéressant de choisir plutôt trois monstres une seconde fois. Le multiball mosh pit commence également après 6 tirs dans la voie. Il serait donc intéressant de commencer avec un ou deux monstres activés avant de lancer Frankenstein pour la deuxième fois avec quelques monstres supplémentaires.

Ce que je sais, c’est que les rampes, Bride of Frankenstein, sont les plus importantes à avoir démarrées lorsque vous démarrez la multibille Frankenstein, car à la fin, chaque coup sur une rampe vaut x3 (je ne sais pas pour combien de points).


I do restart a lot ;-). But, once I get it right, it is like in that video... your game is suddenly off to a brilliant start! This is a unique approach to a table, to have such a long buildup, with a high risk for big reward, before the real action starts. I"m sure I'm going to have many failed games before I hopefully have a game where everything clicks.

I'll see after the first Monsters of Rock, if I'll do the same for the second one as it becomes much harder to get Frankenstein prepared. You get an extra ball for three monsters each time you play through Monsters of Rock so it might be worthwhile to rather go for three monsters second time around. The mosh pit multiball also starts after 6 shots through the lane, so that might be worth starting with one or two monsters activated before you then start Frankenstein for a second time with some more monsters.

What I do know is that the ramps, Bride of Frankenstein, is the most important to have started when you start the Frankenstein Multiball as at completion each ramp shot is worth x3 (I don't know for how many points).

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Message par Cloda Jeu 7 Nov 2019 - 10:38

Creature from the Black Lagoon is not an overly complicated table, but it is quite difficult. I got the achievement on Classic Arcade and put up a decent score considering it is one of my first games on the table.

I don't have a particular strategy yet, but it is obviously a Jackpot and Super Jackpot heavy table that you need to maximise by activating the playfield x2 or x3 up the left ramp during multiball. I found a good way to start the table and that is by getting an easy extra ball by completing KISS twice (as shown at the start of the video). You also get an extra ball at six time KISS, so I don't mind if stray shots end up in there. Move your Car is also an easy 50 - 80 million, so you can spam that centre ramp until the day you die.

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